So, this weekend coming up is Labor Day weekend and we are going to drive all the way to Casper to see my Foster mother who is in her 80's.
We are going to the cabin on Casper mountain. I always picture it the I way it was 20 years ago, the lighting, the old ice box now a pots and pans storage, and the scent. The roped supported ladders are gone and replaced with actual steps. The National Geographic magizine case in the back; I always try to fine the oldest one they have and look at the old ads of cars and camers. My foster brother fixed the cabin up so my foster mother could use the cabin a little easier. But, it's not the same as I remember. It now has a phone hookup and a answering machine. I remember going there and actually being taken away from the world! Disconnection. Now, times are different that comes with age and technology is more readily available even in the mountain tops.
I hope we go on a hike again with Todd. He's getting up there too. 60 something , 67! He still takes care of the mountain too. Wow, I wonder how he's doing with his health....
I miss the good old days when we were all young and can freely move around without a care in the world. Now, I wonder how I will react to the age difference of the many years ago and today.
I remember Todd would be listening to his new world music in his cabin as I would visit him in the mornings. He would fill the cabin up with scent of bacon and eggs. We would chat of caving expeditions he and his friends and his past sister would do together. He took pictures and maps of specific areas he had explored and tacked them on the low ceiling of is cabin. It literally filled one side of the ceiling. I wish I had stayed with the Smiths sometimes because of all the adventures they all had and experienced. I envy them all. Janet was a cave explorer too, if I remember correctly. They were all explorers.
In the amount of time between then and now, what will I bring back with me this time?