Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Purging for the Future

Since the fad to purge belongs one hasn't used in six months is blowing up social media, I thought I'd share what I thought about the whole idea. I personally love it. I have gotten rid of shoes, clothes, and items I haven't even layed eyes on for years! 

I also cleaned the fridge out and threw out all the food that we "saved" for leftovers that is never touched by nobody!  I think the new thing I am going to try is buy the food daily for dinner not weekly and save all the food in the fridge. Because sometimes, we don't end up eating the pre planned out dinner. Our fridge is bare but I am much happier than opening the fridge and find moldy food.

I am currently watching a video on Youtube about organizing the fridge and she bought alot of plastic bins to put the food out opened. I tried that in the past and no one in the family saw the organization and just put things randomly in the fridge and it made it worse because I couldn't find a place to put stuff.

Less is more...space.  I have always been a bit of a purger.  I think I learned it from my parents. They would periodically "clean the house" and then have garage sales.  I live in an apartment and don't have a garage. I daydreamed of having a "garage sale" in the apartment where people would come in and items with the sales stickers on them they can take home. I guess that would be a bad security issue idea but it was just a thought.

So, I am a bag lady, I have backpacks, grocery reusable bags, purses... ugh.  I had the coat closet filled with all of them. I finally got rid of a few purses backpacks I found myself keeping why I don't know why.  I think I still need to learn to let go of things and not find everything "useful". Yes, backpacks can come in handy but as many as I have I don't know..

I found that in time I have hung on to items that in the past I would of gotten rid of long ago. Getting older I wonder that because I am are getting closer to old age, I tend to hold on to the past? 

Well, my past hasn't really served me well. I need to look into the future.
Out with the old and In With the NEW!

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