Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Hunger..It's All Too Real in America

The wind blew hard as we sat in the car waiting for the Junior High school bell to ring.  Josephine and Maddy chit chatted about this and that in the backseat.

“So what do you like to eat for dinner?” I asked Josephine

“Spaghetti, um, I like…we went out for dinner last night.” she said unenthusiastically.

“Oh? Where did you go?”

“To Mimi’s”

“Oh, that’s right that is your mothers favorite one isn’t it”

She nodded plainly, as if in her head it wasn’t, she is just forced to go.

“When I open the fridge there isn’t anything in it at all.” She said it as if that is what she deals with every day. Like she was used to it. The thing is, it is what she has to deal with every day.  Along with 50% of the United States of America. Flashes of the film “A Place at The Table” ran through my mind, Rosie happy to get sugary candy bars for their food box.

Gnawing tiny bites like a rabbit on the baby carrot stick Maddy gave her, I watched her and wondered if she was milking the carrot because she didn’t have anything to eat in the house and she was savoring every tiny nibble of it so she could save the memory when she gets home.

“Look! I made a carrot toothbrush.”  Holding the core of the baby carrot sticks one on top of the other steadily, smiling, an empty smile. 

She played with the cores; pretended they were braces. 
“Look, I have braces” she held it with both hands smiling with the core flat across her top front teeth.

Smiling back, I wondered if she wanted braces because it was a sign that her mother had money to afford them, if she could afford braces she’d be eating too.

I heard the bell ring in the distance, wind still blowing I wished I knew where she lived so I could driver her and her brother home. 

“I like your coat. Is it new?”

“It’s leather, we got it at..the thrift store. At a department store it would have been fifty dollars and we got it for twenty.” She went along saying “I got a purse with lots of pockets if we bought that in a store it would have been twenty dollars but we got it for half off for ten.”  Glancing out of the window, snow flew past horizontal.

“Then great thing about leather is it is a great wind breaker.”

 She nodded hard.

The large buttons on the coat reminded me of my own leather coat I have and NEVER wear.  Knowing when she will get out of the car she won’t bother to button it up.

“Let’s play the touch game.” Grabbing the blanket and Maddy tries to touch her as she shields herself with it. Squealing.  I let them play as annoying squealing in the car is, I sit watching the snow whiz by.

“Oh, there is my brother” struggling to untangle the blanket wrapped underneath her shoes, Josephine adjusted the book bag strap and tugging on the door, “bye!” Setting out and slamming the door with help of the wind she pushed herself against the wind with her coat flapping wildly.  She never bothered to stop to button the nuisance large buttons. She endures the cold wind as she walks against it.

Turning around allowing the wind to push her back as she leans into it, her arms out flapping, laughing.  I hope she eats tonight, I thought.

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