Sunday, April 19, 2015

Fading fading away... future looks bleak

Ok, so this second half of this semester is going to say the least, shitty.  I have 3 papers due this week and I havent the foggiest how to do them, political science is a given, I know nothing about it even after a semester of it, and sociology's three theories in gyms has confused the heck out of me, like its to general or something, and Ive never experienced a gym enough to have the slightest idea to program it in the three theories for the paper.

I have come to the conclusion, that I am just going to have to take the hit this semester.  Political science, I already flunked out I think. All the exams I failed.  So..yeah...  English Comp II we are doing classical research with hypothesis, topic proposal, outline, thesis, bibliography annotaions...I mean, I got totally lost.  I can just do the research and then write the paper.  My teacher has so much busy work, warmups in class, reading logs?! With six logs per reading times 2. Really? I seriously dont have time for that.  I think next time Ill have to get a different teacher.

Ok, that is my griping about school.

The positive outlooks of this semester.
I have learned a lot of what the classical research asks for so now I know what to do.  Sociology class, um...hmm how society works as a whole? Ok, next! Political science, to read the book and not rely on the lectures.

Well, Im guessing I will have to look for a job here soon. School needs a break.

Sunday, April 5, 2015


For fourteen years I've lived here, in this town and it has given me nothing but bad vibes.  Why did I live here for so long you ask? It takes a lot to get to me, Im an optimistic person, "It'll get better." I settle for anything slightly better.  Well, I have finally come to the conclusion that I am not going to "settle" any more.

I know I have plans to leave and live on my own with two in tow.  I know that yes I will struggle in the beginning just about in every aspect. IN EVERY ASPECT.  I know that is why I have settled for SO long. I would now rather stuggle and call that my own than settle with what I am dealing with now.

My goals are short term:
-find a job that pays at least 11.00 $ an hour
-clean my credit up and raise my score
-save without dipping in
-buy/lease a car

Long term goals:
-finally afford monthly budget
-move from this town
-with cleaner credit, buy a new small house
-vacation by myself
          -San Francisco
          -Bora Bora

In the mean time, I have begun slowly, maybe slower than I should be working on leaving.  Our lease is up in end of September and I pray that time I dont cave in and keep staying, because one: he hasn't looked for a job to cover expenses, two: the kids.  I can't go year after year again going through the same "settlement" living I have lived for the past seven years.

Im not happy, that is clear.  I have to take it in my own hands, for me.

My goals I have above are tentative, but they are there.  They are my rope, hope and hand to help me see what I need, my kids need me to be.  I hope that one day I will look back and know that I made it to my goals.  It could take years, months, or even weeks. They are there, maybe for eternity

Well, it's 2016 and I guessed it, still here.  What had happened was September came and I told him that I was leaving. Unfortunately, he manipulated me by saying that he was going to love out of his car.  I fell for it and said I'd sign the lease but will leave later. Five months later, I am still getting things in order. The main issue is the rent has risen so high that I can't afford it. But, I am storing and organizing my things so when I do find an affordable place, I'm  OUT!  I might have to wait until the rent is up for renewal. I am hoping to actually move in April 😊. Fingers crossed