As I scroll through Pintrest, I find the most amazing outfits that I would love to try on. I then remember the times I try on clothes in the changing rooms, I'm out of shape, my waist is thicker than my bust and my back has rolls and my legs are...normal. The clothes I see online and pin them to my "I'd Love to wear this board, I think to myself "yes, I would love to wear these very cute chic outfits but would they like being worn by me.
There is a site now that you can join by giving your age height and your favorite style and a "stylist" will look through your Pintrest page and find something to fit your liking and send it to you. You then try it on and if you like it you buy it, if you don't you send it back. The service is either once a month to three months apart. A credit card is required to join the service. I think about if I join, how much of the clothes the stylist sends to me would I keep? Most of the time, I am not happy with anything I try on even with the high hopes I would find something I love to walk out of the house in and feel confident. Lately, I have been in sweat pants and workout shirts because A) They are comfortable and B) I don't have a single nice thing to wear THAT FITS ME. I do have nice clothes, they don't fit me anymore.
Currently, I am jobless and looking for work online is hard and without having any interview clothes, I am in loss.
Pintrest is helpful though. I find that my sense of style needs a huge up grade. Patterns, colors, and shape. I tend to go toward the straight safe look. I have now figure really, no waist, like a walking potato. How do you dress a potato? That has stumped me for ages.
I still have no answer but, I am hoping Pintrest does. So, I have followed pinners who are posting clothe styles for women over 40. Some are still for the 20 year olds and so some of the pins are scrolled past. Now, some of the styles I see are very intriguing and open my mind to a new sense of dressing today. I have bought some scarves and boots and a few other pieces but I didn't know how to use them. With the help of Pintrest, I have a better idea how to use the accessories. So, this next year, I am hoping that I use Pintrest to my own good! Wish me Luck1
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